Dec 6, 2009

Christmas present list: The joys of a big family

Family I need to buy presents for:

1. Ryan - husband
2. Mom
3. Johnny - stepdad
4. Dad
5. Ginia - stepmom
6. Amanda - sister
7. Orrie - brother-in-law
8. Jonnie Lynne - sister
9. Bubba - brother
10. Sarah - sister
11. Ethan - nephew
12. Meemaw - grandma
13. Rusty - father-in-law
14. Sharon - mother-in-law
15. Stephanie - sister-in-law
16. Adam - brother-in-law
17. Madison - niece
18. Karen - Ryan's aunt (we drew her name)
19. Lauren - Ryan's cousin (we drew her name)
20. Kristen - Ryan's cousin (we drew her name)
21. Michael - Ryan's cousin (we drew his name)
22. Another person on my side of the family (we haven't drawn names yet)


1. Secret Santa at work
2. Secret Santa for group of friends
3. Jessica
4. Holly (I just happened across a wonderful gift that I had to get!)

And I'm responsible for picking out and purchasing most of this. Oh and I am responsible for wrapping ALL of this. Wonderful. I'm going to be broke after Christmas. Maybe I should ask for gift cards to grocery stores so I can feed us after December bills come in.

For the record, I have completed seven of these so far.

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