Aug 13, 2010

Day 6 - 30 Day Blog Journal

Awww shucks! I was recently "awarded" with this by my partner in crime, W.

Today's topic at hand is my 20 favorite things. I fear this may take a while to come up with so bear with me if my list seems a bit random.

1. Ryan - the hubbeast
2. Gunner - my child, my dog, the thing that makes my house furry
3. Family - <--self explanatory
4. Natalie - my niece :) I know that she is included in family but she's my goddaughter and she's brand new to this world and I'm completely smitten.
5. Lola - the bff
6. Pink - the color makes me happy, I love it and wear it frequently
7. ANYthing zebra print
8. Summer - Time off work? Beach vacations? Getting a tan? Yes, please.
9. Hao-Hao - My favorite restaurant, EVER. It's delicious Vietnamese food in Round Rock, TX. Go by and get some vermicelli if you're round those parts ;)
10. The beach - Any beach. I love going to my family's beach house in South Padre and I loooooved the beach on our honeymoon in St. Lucia. Ahhh, bliss!
11. My job - 7th grade math teacher and nerd extraordinaire
12. The internet - technology and I have a love/hate relationship but I love the internet and having instant access at all times
13. My iPhone - it was love at first click
14. Cheesy girl movies - I love a good romance that will bring a good tear to my eye
15. Hiking with my husband and dog
16. Harry Potter - books and movies
17. Getting pedicures - I think I might go get myself one after I finish this, actually.
18. Avocado's - my favorite food, hands down. Yum.
19. Country music - it just seems more constistent to me than any other type of music
20. World Market - FAVE store. I can seriously spend hours (and lots of money) there!

So there.

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